About Live Lean Method
Hi my name is Tammy and I would like to welcome you to Live Lean Method! Live Lean Method is designed to help you reshape your lifestyle by showing you how to adopt healthy new habits and break unhealthy old ones aligning our divine mind (spirit) with our earth bound mind (mind) using modified performance behavior (body).
The Live Lean Method maximizes individual core values by continuously eliminating excess within its self-development process. The goal is to make simple changes to your life that will result in a healthy lifestyle, healthy body / weight management, and a healthy way of thinking that you can maintain for the rest of your life. I discovered that getting and staying healthy mentally, physically, and spiritually doesn’t have to be as difficult as we might think. It’s a choice!
Each post / message includes a key Scripture verse as well as inspiration, motivation, and suggested activities to help you apply the material. Stories and anecdotes from everyday life encourage you to turn to God and biblical principles throughout the year more than to people that may or may not be struggling with the same issues. The similarity between Live Lean Method principles and what the Bible communicates gives confidence to learn and apply those principles in our own work – and even in our own lives – in order to bear more fruit. The commonality is time. The difference is how we choose to spend or use that time and the level of effort it takes to perform the task. It is the difference between watching TV or taking a walk in nature; taking a nap or helping someone in need; eating take-out or making a home cooked, well-balanced meal. These are the challenges and choices that I, like yourselves, face daily.
At Live Lean Method, we want to help people! You’ll consider areas of your life that need to be reshaped or reimagined, start to build an alignment between the spiritual aspects of your life and the physical, and be challenged to examine your motivation and intentions for the habits that are formed and performed as you go about your daily tasks.
The Body / Weight Management component of Live Lean Method is used primarily as a tangible example of measured success in habit formation because it easily addresses all three (3) target response areas. When you have managed – in whatever aspect of body / weight management that works for you – to attain a preset goal by fad dieting, exercising for the first time, or just changing your food selection practices, you have experienced measured success. That feeling you experience after you step on the scale and see that you are 10 pounds lighter isn’t just relief. It is also the confidence in your accomplishment and in knowing that you have taken control of your life for the better—and now you have the results to prove it. You are experiencing the Live Lean Method of:
MIND = Confidence – You had the courage to look at something that was not working and make the decision to change it by some means.
BODY = Weight Reduced 10lbs – You had the visual evidence that you took a decision into practice or action and had attained a prescribed or anticipated outcome .
SPIRIT = Positive Accomplishment – You made a decision, set a predetermined goal, put a level of effort or action behind it, and attained the anticipated outcome thereby meeting the expectation. BRAVO!
Because of this level of confidence, I am now running my own online business via Wealthy Affiliate and if you believe that you possess that level of confidence as well, please join me at https://www.wealthyaffiliate.com?a_aid=3884ed99.
Live Lean Method is a lifestyle change for people who seek expert strategies on how to drop unhealthy lifestyle habits, gain healthy ones, and improve upon their life circumstances and relationships. We are here to provide inspiration, motivation and easy to follow advice to improve the way you look and feel in your mind, body, and spirit! God willing and with God assistance, we hope that you find the courage and determination to take a closer look at each area of your life and practice continuous improvement. Look for areas of improvement, make the hard decisions, set the goals and expected / anticipated outcomes, and put the level of effort behind them to attain them.
If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time. I will be more than happy to help.
All the best,
Tammy Sullivan-King
w: www.liveleanmethod.com